Aug 2, 2011

Back home. For now.

I have been back in Austria for over two months now. The weather hasn't been all that nice for some of that time, so I had enough opportunities to catch up with family and friends. One reason that made being back home a little easier is my new apartment in Salzburg. I moved here at the beginning of July after being really lucky and finding a great apartment practically a week after I came back.

View from my apartment
Since I returned, I've also tried to discover places and events I haven't been before.

#1 - A world-record attempt to gather approximately 1,500 tractors made by Steyr in Weißenkirchen im Attergau at the beginning of July. They were successful despite the sudden the-world-has-come-to-an-end weather.

One of the older tractors

Yes. That's beer in the "trunk".  People needed supplies for the day. Duh.

#2 - I finally got around to checking out the biggest cemetery in Salzburg, the Kommunalfriedhof.

#3 - The Movida Festival in the Volksgarten (a huge park) in Salzburg. Since it was one of the first kind of warm evenings in a while, it was really nice hanging out in the park and listening to some great Austrian music: Krautschädl

#4 - Thanks to my friend Edi, I was also able to attend a concert of the Wiener Philharmoniker (classical music) during the Salzburger Festspiele (classical music festival in Salzburg). It was amazing. 

#5 - Now this is nothing new but during the last 1.5 months, I celebrated about ten birthdays with friends and family (including my own) which meant a lot of quality time with people I love, tasty drinks, delicious food, and long nights.

This is my aunt on her 50th birthday. Yes, she is wearing a wig,  floaties, and a tutu, while riding around her neighborhood at 3 am with a bike without functioning lights or brakes. That's just how my family rolls.

Right now I am just working, recovering from all the parties, enjoying the summer that finally returned, and planning my next trip.

A 6-year old took this picture. I only cropped it a little to avoid further embarrassment for my relatives ;) 


  1. you have a beautiful view of the mountains! how nice


  2. Thanks. I still can't believe how lucky I am. So happy to have my mountains again :)
