Dec 28, 2010

'Tis the Season to be Jolly

I know, I know. It's been quite a while. But I've made a resolution. I don't actually believe in resolutions for New Year's, I'm more of a "do-it-now-or-never" kinda gal. So here goes: I want to post more regularly. Especially now, since I just started a week-long road trip through Texas with my family. At some point everything that's happening will just be too overwhelming, so I'll try to find about an hour every day to post what's going on. That is one of the "advantages" of traveling with my family - I don't go out as much at nights and thus have more time.

So Christmas is already over but I really enjoyed experiencing it in the US this year. Even beforehand I was eager to see how crazy Americans would be about it, considering what I had seen for Halloween. Soon after Halloween, the first people started to decorate their houses with Christmas lights and ornaments and I couldn't help but complain more than once about the hideous Christmas decorations I encountered (in my opinion).

Still, there were a lot of things I also enjoyed about this time of year. The first snow, baking Christmas cookies, snow ball fights, making egg nog from scratch, snow day, buying hideous Christmas decorations + jewelery + sweater myself, to name but a few.

Egg nog

Then there were the Christmas trees, Christmas songs (to a certain extent), and ugly Christmas sweater parties that I enjoyed. And in general just hanging out with my new families in the US.

Christmas tree in my dorm room (probably illegal)

Friend's Christmas tree decorations

There is some more I could tell about Christmas in particular but I might do that at a later point. So that's my recap of Christmas in the US so far. It was slightly crazy but also enjoyable.

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